Saturday, September 17, 2005

exciting new beginning?!

hee hee, so i went and met my new (potential) piano student =) she's soooo cute!!
i'm so nervous and so excited at the same time! it's like a new project =) new opportunity for growth! but i don't wanna screw up.......always knew, but never really understood when they said teachers will be judged more severly in the end...but now i EXPERIENCE why...becasue they influence! ooooooooh, the responsibilities....AH! BUT SO EXCITING!
and what's more, when i rang the door bell, a bark followed, which scared me at first, cuz it sounded full....and i knew at once there's a BIG dog inside...AND I WAS RIGHT! he's big..and old he doesn't get excited and pounce on visiter (which is good, cuz i'll get scared if dogs do that...) ever love something and at the same time scared of something? haha, that's me with dogs =P but anyway, this one is really friendly =) and while i was talking to the mom, he even came over and let me pat him ;P haha~ oh oh oh, and they have two cats!!! and they all get along!! haha~ it's one of my trivial goals in the future ;P i'm gonna get a dog and a cat..and make them best friends ^O^ *snickers*