Wednesday, June 29, 2005
sunday @ jen poon's~
oh yeh, and for those interested, i posted the pics that someone took with my camera on my yahoo photo album~ =)
alive and well!
haha, so i haven't blogged in SUCH A long time ;P hee hee~ busy? maybe...i think i started deserting my blog during midterm times......haha, and i got so "tied up" with studying that i decided to sign up for's funny how i can be so unproductive when things start to get for my midterms...i don't think i did so hot...don't think i learned my lesson either....yet again ;P haha~
i miss my computer =( went poof....according to a bee, the hard drive's broken *sniff sniff* so now i'm taking over eric's when he's not using `em >:) muhaha~
so after midterms, i got myself hooked to a book ;P fantasy ;P neverending story ;P haha, and i was sooooo addicted that i couldn't do any work until i finish the book~ good thing i didn't start that book durnig midterms ^^
went back to parks canada today to have lunch with the girls, it was fun seeing them again~ they're such a happy bunch~ after food, i went upstairs to say hi to some pple, it was kinda weird going back~ since for 4 months straight i went there everyday, and then all of a sudden, not for like 2 months...hee hee~ it was good tho~ afterwards, couldn't get a hold of my mommy, so i decided to take a stroll across the river back to ottawa~ and passing by it, i decided to take a few pics of the river ;P kee hee, always wanted to do that, but never had the chance....til now ^O^
and after my half an hour of walking in the sun, i realized that i'm allergic to the sun!!!! my arms are all red now...and rashy....ewww....o.o i'm not made to live under the sun....*sniff sniff*