Sunday, May 08, 2005

first week of school!

haha, it's been awhile since i last updated ;P
now that i'm back to school, i don't have "breaks" at work to blog! =D haha~
anyway, this first week of school has been.....very windy in the greenhouse ^_~
(*lol* i wonder if anyone understood that ;P )

i only have 3 classes this week~ and the fourth one coming in july~ so technically, the course load isn't that demanding~ first class that i had was business law...and honestly, i've never been so upset in a classroom before. the law teacher's outlook on life is just so pessimistic...and oh-so cruel....every fibre in my being screamed at his statements, but i made no attempt to protest. (well, partly because i'm a shy little girl and not a very eloquent one at that) tho mainly cuz i've no ground to protest. he's right. plain and simple...he's right. and i've no argument. we're in a law class. law is to protect. protect who? protect self. he said that whenever we open a door, we have to know where the exist is. because when things go wrong, everything will be against you...and that either a shield to defend....or a lethal weapon. he used the example of marriage...he asked us what a marriage is...he smirks as the students answered, love...then he answered himself. marriage is a contract! it's a signing of paper! "do you love me? sign the paper!" and he said that when getting married, have the divorce paper ready. cuz it's the backdoor...and i felt an utter sense of saddness when i saw students taking down that quote....
he threw out a very simple question: how do you know who to trust? many pple tried to answer him, but ultimately everyone got the same answer..."we're in a law class". he listed all these examples of pple backstabbing each other...friends and do you know who to trust? and i felt sad. he's is never don't have a scale, you have no way of measuring it. it's a wager....and if you win, you reap a harvest more plentiful than any can imagine. if you loose...well, then learn from the lesson and move on. i felt sad. In the world that he protrays (i don't know if he actually believes it or not) it's one with no trust, no faith and no love. it's a cruel cruel's one without Christ....and something inside of me died a little when i realized that...because that's our world....that's what many parts of this world is like...a world where we call home. and i wanted to cry....pple kept making up laws to adapt to the society we live in....what's law when it changes all the time? why doesn't pple realize that what seems like foolish teachings of Christ is a timeless law that guarantees a life of satisfaction and joy? =(
that was law class...enuf of that~

HR was....*wince*...let's just leave it at that =P

Strategic mgt .....for some reason, i was so nervous going into that class..cuz..well...maybe it's psychological...the fact that it's a 4th year class got me all worked up...and now i'm freaking out =( hope i can get thru this semester! ;P